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SuperHappyDevHouse Decompression and Hack+Tell
Date: April 23
Time: 7 - 10PM

Location: HackerSpace (of course!)


So it wasn't a distant memory or hazy dream. SuperHappyDevHouse 3.0 was a resounding success. So much so that we want to invite everyone to the SHDH Decompression Event. More importantly, Hack+Tell was kind enough to let us join with them in their little show and tell, so you guys are getting the best of both techy, geeky worlds!

We like to keep this intimate, so be prepared to come down to show off the projects that you've been working on since SHDH 3.0. It's free, open to everyone, and is always a nice way to chill out and catch up on teams or projects that you might have been interested in since the event.









Listen up, hackers! SuperHappyDevHouse #3 is coming back to Singapore! The last two were wildly successful. And by that, I mean that people hacked up brilliant code, binged on pizza and mee goren, drank Tiger beer, and generally kicked ass. The all-day, all-night hackathon is FREE TO ATTEND, and we can think of no other way to bring the creme de la creme of SE Asian hacking talent into one (preferably big and air-conditioned) venue.

This event is done BY the tech community, FOR the tech community. Just imagine it as one giant, warm, techy hug from us to you. Why? Because you're awesome, that's why.  It's going to take some time to get the big, marketing machine rolling, so bear with us! In the meantime, please feel free to check out here the notes from last year's SHDH, or the year before. 


Be proud! You're part of one of the fastest-growing, dynamic tech startup communities in the world. SHDH is an all day and all night hackfest and party that combines serious and not-so-serious productivity with a fun and exciting party atmosphere. There's beer, food, fun projects, lightning talks and many more! Originally started in Silicon Valley in 2005.


And please (We're going to keep on bugging you):


More Information:


Previous SHDH.SG #2 Links:


Previous SHDH.SG #1 Links:








SHDH Friends helping out:


  • Wanna volunteer? Add yourself to the list (and don't just pick the beer!)  


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