
SHDH4 Agenda (redirected from Agenda)

Page history last edited by Justin 9 years, 4 months ago

"Rough" Agenda:
SHDH is a party after all, so there's no conference like agenda, but we'll roughly be following this format.  A great play-by-play in written up here.

  • 12pm - SHDH.SG starts.  Bring your laptop, grab a seat, grab a drink, and talk to the other hackers and see what sounds fun to hack up (check out the projects page).  The organizers will be minginging helping to introduce people to each other.
  • 2pm'ish - Lightning Talk Session #1 - Singapore's leading dev gurus and leading designers will showcase best practices and awesome projects
  • 7pm'ish - Food! Dinner will be provided, people will be drinking, socializing, and talking shop.
  • 9pm'ish - Lightning Talks - Any projects hacked up during the day can be presented and shared (few minutes each). We'll 
  • 10/11pm - Hackers return to hacking, socializers return to socializing, music is playing, and the party heats up.
  • Late night/wee-morning - Hackers are hacking, late-night party'ers are hanging (possibly debating programming languages, music, monetization models, or the generic late night/early morning story telling
  • 10am'ish - For those who made it through the night, we'll get breakfast, talk shop, tell funny stories, and kick back over coffee and food.


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